Friday 14 September 2018

👉 *How to Stay Happy? (Part 3)*

🔶 *When we identify our core strengths and put in 100% effort, success is guaranteed in any field of work. However, it should be remembered that the path to success is not a bed of roses. There will be many challenges that will come our way. Whoever has reached the pinnacle of success has gone through excruciating circumstances. That is why, whatever task we take up, must be done with complete dedication. Majority of us put in half-hearted efforts to do something and fall into depths of disappointment when we fail. In order to ensure that happiness stays for long, we must express our sincere gratitude to all those who have helped us in one way or the other.*

🔷 *It is said that we can receive only two things from any incident or a person in our life - happiness or learning. It is good to learn a lesson because it gives us a chance to start afresh. It is extremely important that we don’t harbor any anger. It is best to resolve it with the concerned person. We should express clearly and always be ready to receive criticism and feedback. If we have any issues against someone, approach him/her in a proper manner and resolve them amicably. Try not to let negativity and complaints breed for long.*

🔶 *According to Robert Waldinger, director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, ‘‘The clearest message that we get from this 75-year study is this: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier.... It’s not just the number of friends you have, and it’s not whether or not you’re in a committed relationship. It’s the quality of your close relationships that matters.’’
Yugrishi Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya says – ‘Expanding the horizons of love and affection is the only way for never-ending happiness. You cannot be happy by hoarding; you can multiply your happiness only by giving and sharing.’*

*To be continued...*

Tuesday 11 September 2018

👉 *How to Stay Happy? (Part 2)*

🔷 *It is not true that everything is going perfectly well in the life of a happy person.* Everybody has to go through his/her share of difficult and challenging situations in life. *All of us desire to have a better life, but we should not waste away whatever good things we already have in pursuit for something better.* Instead we should utilize what we have to obtain what we desire further.

🔶 *One might find happiness in the pages of an old book kept in one’s shelf or in something simple that a person cooked, while that recipe may not even be found in the menu of a 5-star restaurant. There could be times when a person might feel happy after keeping a vessel of water for birds to drink on a hot summer day, while he might not be satisfied with Rs. 500/- offering at a temple. In this way, one will realize that happiness is related to the emotions which make the mind happy and contented. Emotions which are disturbing, annoying and unpleasant can never give happiness.*

🔷 *In fact, most of our worries are centered on what others will think or say to what we do. If we want to lead a happy life, psychologists recommend that we stay connected to a goal. Suggestion is that one should do what one’s conscience propels him to pursue instead of worrying about what others will say or think. It will be his great loss if he does not pursue his dream frightened of what others will think about it. Any worthy step that a person executes in a planned manner not only gives him/her happiness but also contentment. Positive thinking and diligent efforts are the keys to happiness.*

*To be continued...*

Monday 10 September 2018

👉 *How to Stay Happy? (Part1)*

🔶 *Why is it that some people are happy while some others are not? - This question has been eluding even the psychologists of the modern day. According to a recent survey, it has been found that people of Finland are the happiest people in the world. Countries like Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and Norway are among the Top-5, while India’s position is 133rd in the list of 155 countries. In this survey, every year about 1000 people from each country are asked a few questions and based on their responses, the results are declared on World Happiness Day (20th March).*

🔷 *Being happy is a state of mind. It is not necessary to be rich to be happy. Practically every survey ever done has shown that those who are happy stay in families. Such people get along very well with their friends and family. According to Daniel Gilbert, the Happiness Expert at Harvard University, we are happy when we are with our family. If we have friends, then it is even better. In some way or the other, everything that contributes to our happiness comes through either family or friends. The biggest factor for one’s happiness and fulfillment in life is, basically, love. A scientific study has shown that having someone to rely on helps a person’s nervous system relax, helps his brain stay healthier for a longer time, and reduces both emotional as well as physical pain.*

🔶 *A long-time researcher on this topic, George Vaillant says – ‘What influences life the most is the quality of our relationships with others’. It is these precious relationships that bind us together and hence influence our happiness to a large extent.
It is also evident that material prosperity has made man hollow from within. In fact, man spends his entire life earning money and realizes at the end that the desire for money is never-ending and the joys of life cannot be bought with money. So, to whatever extent possible, we should spend our time in lovingly strengthening our social life and thus making it prosperous.*

To be continued...

Saturday 8 September 2018

👉 *Awakening of Supernormal Faculties Through Sadhana (Part3)*

🔷 *The seeker has to mould his thinking as well as activities according to the set goal. Musicians do not become expert in either vocal or instrumental music in a day. They have to make a persistent effort. In the absence of practice, the voice of a vocalist sounds erratic and jarring and the fingers of an instrumentalist lack coordination. A true artist remains indifferent both to the reaction of the audience and to the remuneration paid to him. He feels contented with the joy derived from his daily sadhana of music.*

🔶 *A true devotee of art would maintain his inner peace even if he does not get any immediate and tangible reward or recognition for his art. He would continue to do his sadhana of music without any lessening of interest, even though he may have to dwell in a hut in a remote forest. The mental make-up of a person practicing atma sadhana should have at least this much dedication and commitment. Dancers, actors, sculptors, etc. know the importance of daily practice to maintain their art. Soldiers participate compulsorily in routine parades to maintain their skills of marksmanship and fighting.*

🔷 *Fulfilment of an inner resolution (samkalpa) for some worldly purpose may be achieved by performing the specific sadhana of chanting a particular mantra for a fixed number of times. But the mere ritual will not satisfy a true aspirant of atma sadhana. He understands that in order to mine the gems of his hidden talents he must plunge into the silent depths of his inner self daily and persistently. Brushing teeth, bathing, washing the clothes etc. is a part of daily routine. One cannot ignore them. The perturbed and perverse environment of the outer world pollutes the inner-consciousness. If it is not cleaned out every day, pollutants keep on accumulating and ultimately give rise to some serious problems....*

📖 *Akhand Jyoti, May June 2003*


Friday 7 September 2018

👉 *Awakening of Supernormal Faculties Through Sadhana (Part 2)*

🔶 *Many deities are worshipped and it is believed that they grant suitable boons to their devotee. The underlying truth is that while moving along the path of sadhana, an intrinsic faith has to be developed and the wayward propensities and perversities of the lower self have to be identified, curbed, refined and transformed into divine virtues. Natural adoption of virtuous life is a visible sign of divine grace. Once it is accomplished, an aspirant can smoothly move ahead in the direction of the ultimate goal of human endeavour - self-realisation.*

🔷 *The field of sadhana is one's own inner being. Buried herein is a treasure-trove of immense spiritual wealth. Futile then is the need of seeking it in the outer world. In fact, the intrinsic virtues have been described as devi-devata (deities) by the seers. They have devised external rituals for the awakening of specific virtues within and in the process unearthing the hidden treasure. In order to acquire physical strength one makes use of various appliances of the gymnasium. There is no strength in these appliances; strength is embedded in the muscles.*

🔶 *The equipments are helpful only in activating the latent strength in the muscles. The same is true about the external rituals of atma sadhana (sadhana of the soul). One can learn a lot by keenly observing the mental state and the physical activities of a wrestler who does his regular practice each day with enthusiasm. Not only does he do the physical exercises but also takes nutritious food, observes continence, massages his body, adheres to a healthy daily routine and above all keeps himself free from worry. If all other aspects are neglected and only the physical exercises are given importance, his aim of becoming a wrestler will remain a fantasy. Similarly, the rituals of upasana (worship) have their own significance, but they alone do not lead to the achievement of the desired aim.*

📖 *Akhand Jyoti, May June 2003*

👉 *Awakening of Supernormal Faculties Through Sadhana (Part 1)*

🔷 *A human being is a repository of innumerable potentials. Being the highest creation of God (Supreme Consciousness) on earth, human beings have, in principle, inherited all His divine attributes. Nevertheless, God has placed necessary safeguards against the misuse of these faculties. These divine capabilities are accessible only to those who have the wisdom of their righteous use. It is a time-tested principle of Nature that boons are granted according to the worthiness of the aspirant.*

🔶 *All those who have risen to great heights could do so only by practising this principle in their lives. The principle of accessing supernormal faculties (siddhi) through sadhana (self-discipline) is unquestionable. In fact, through the medium of deities, we endeavour to infuse self-discipline in ourselves. It has been possible for mankind to achieve material and cultural progress through the formulation and observance of the necessary codes of conduct and behaviour for the control and refinement of the wayward and crude impulses of the lower human self.*

🔷 *Those who aspire for self-transformation have to adopt this practice of conscious self-discipline in their lives. Human life, with myriads of latent physical, mental and spiritual qualities, may be likened to a garden of sweet fruits. Even if only a few of these qualities are cultivated systematically, one can relish the fruits of joy. But if the baser tendencies and bodily habits are left undisciplined, they run amuck. Such aimless life leads to the growth of thorny bushes of misery and suffering in the garden of life. Like a kalpavriksha (a mythological tree supposed to fulfil every desire of a person sitting beneath it), the human life is potentially full of innumerable precious gifts. One can benefit from these divine gifts only when life's energies are properly focused, disciplined and directed towards noble deeds. The efforts made towards this end have been called sadhana.*

📖 Akhand Jyoti, May June 2003