Wednesday 8 August 2018

👉 *In the Shrine of the Heart*

🔶 *Whenever you feel woeful, distressed or helpless in tragic circumstances or adversities around, whenever you feel demoralized by failures, whenever you see despair and darkness all around and are anxious about your future, whenever you are trapped in a dilemma and unable to think discreetly – don’t astray anymore in negativity. Remember, when a fox is surrounded by wild dogs
and sees no rescue, it runs swiftly back in to its den and feels relaxed and safe.*

🔷 *You should also throw away all thoughts and worries of your mind instantly and take shelter in the depths of your heart (the inner core of emotions, the inner self). Take a deep breath and just forget about everything; think as though nothing, not even your existence is there. As you would leave out these things at its doorsteps and enter deeper into the ‘shrine’ or your heart, you would realize that all the burden, all the worries and sufferings that were troubling you have evaporated. You have become light and floating like a thin piece of cotton. The calmness of your heart will sooth you like a moonlight shadow or a snow chamber to someone dying of heat in the sun of summer.*

🔶 *The purity of inner self is an edifice of peace and spiritual light. It is the source of ultimate realization and is therefore likened with “Brahmaloka”. God has graciously endowed us with this paradise to experience divine bliss. But we remain unaware of it and astray externally because of our ignorance.*

📖 *Akhand Jyoti, March. 1941*

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